How to check if you’ve been compromised by bad email link


How to check if you’ve been compromised by bad email link.

Look at your sent email. If it shows you’re sending email to everyone in your address book, a bot ‘robot’ is sending the malware to everyone in your address book and your friends will think it’s from you.

Look at your contact list. The newer versions delete your contact list so you don’t see tons of email being sent out. And you no longer have have addresses to warn your friends not to click on link in email that was sent with your email address.

What to do if you have either of the above two problems.

Change your email program password. The bot is probably not in your computer just accessing your email but for security of mind run your virus protection and malware protection. If you already have up to date protection, these bots from infected emails probably won’t get into your emails.

What do current virus emails look like.

Be very cautious of emails that have (RE:) or (NO SUBJECT) written in email subject line. Some folks do just forget to write in the subject line but it is also an indicator of possible virus replication email.

In the body of the email if there’s just a link, contact your friend through a new email don’t send the bad one back to them they might click on the link to see what they sent and resend the malware out again. Yes that happens. Ask in a new email if they sent you an email with just a link.

Or if the email tells you to check out the fabulous new (fill in a product) that your friend just purchased and a link be wary.

Great indicator of malware sent email, if the email is not signed the way your friend signs their emails. The bot doesn’t sign the way your friend signs their emails.

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